Pensacola Stake Conference, Jan 2020 – Following the Stake business of sustaining all our Church leadership, speakers for Stake Conference blessed our membership with some inspiring words. Here are some highlights:
Melanie Allred – Mission President’s wife
- The Book of Mormon and the “Come, Follow Me Program” changes lives and brings people into the light.
- The Lord’s hand is in each of our lives.

Chad Allred – Mission President
- Always honor the Sabbath Day; be where you can find and be found
- We are only a prayer away from the God head; a place to find solace, guidance, counsel, and love
- Missionaries are an extension of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; declaring the gospel
- The Book of Mormon
- Designed by God to testify
- Appreciate its value; it contains the truth
- Study it every day to make better decisions in your life
- Be immunized from evils of the day
- Don’t leave home without it
- Always face the light
- You will stay on the path if you stay deeply immersed in it

John Taylor – Pensacola Stake 1st Counselor
- Marriage is for eternity
- Makes a difference in your marriage – choose a mate that is good on the inside and outside
- Serving others means you are in the service of our God

Blake Fenton – Young Men’s Advisor
- New Youth Program features setting goals in four areas of life
- Physical
- Social
- Intellectual
- Spiritual
- Become the best of yourself – be aware of the Spirit’s presence
- Aim to be perfect as Christ is
- Serve others
- Grow your faith
- Enhance your hope
- Be humble
- Develop charity
- Be a tour guide, not a travel agent
- Feast on the words of Christ
- Become better people more Christ-like

Cheryl Pettus – Birmingham Temple Matron
- We all strive for perfection
- Agency makes the difference – don’t get to choose the consequences of those decisions
- Make covenants, make sacrifices, access the power of heaven through exercising our faith
- We must be willing to be chastised to be refined
- Strive to not get in our own way of progression
- Although Temples can be near or far – only means anything if we go there
- Striving to help others gives us sweet, tender mercies

Gary Pettus – Birmingham Temple President
- Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God
- The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing
- Nourish your gospel study – it is true

Linwood Harper – Pensacola Stake 2nd Counselor
- Only he who does the will of the Father will enter heaven
- What is the basis fo your spiritual life?
- Must be worthy before achieving perfection

Kevin Curtis – Pensacola Stake President
- Good conference attendance shows unity within the Stake
- Personal study is important as we get closer to our Heavenly Father
- Believe in God, he is an all powerful creator
- He is pleased when we do good
- Repentance is important; causes your soul joy
- The power God expresses the most is His love