Members of the Pensacola Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrated the 50th Anniversary in June 2019. Missionaries and new members came to live in the area in the 1930’s. Church membership started with 3 families and grew for about 30 years. At that time, in 1969, Church Authorities organized the local churches ranging from Mobile and Atmore, AL east to Ft. Walton Beach into the Pensacola Stake.

Took a Walk Through Local Church History
Over 250 members gathered at the current Stake Center on Fox Run Road, June 29th. They took a walk through history to refresh memories and energize their missionary activities to spread the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Family members of two now deceased stake presidents shared memories of their dad’s experiences as Church leaders and fathers. Past Stake President, Carl McArthur traveled from Arizona to share highlights of his tenure. Other Stake presidents unable to attend were represented by members of their council. All shared the message of love for the members and The Lord that these leaders had expressed during their times of service.
Talks were interspersed with musical talent from the Primary choir, adult Stake Choir, Seminary (high school aged) singers, and violinist, Ingrid Roberts, from Ft. Walton Beach. The Institute (young adult) group provided a swing dance demonstration.

L to R: 1st Councilor John Taylor, President, Kevin Curtis, and 2nd Councilor, Linwood Harper
Current Stake President, Kevin Curtis, then concluded the event by reminding us that The Church’s growth continues as we do small and simple things. Home-based prayer and scripture study builds strong homes where family members can feel save and inspired to work together. From this base, members reach out to serve others in their communities, sharing their love of family and Jesus Christ, whom they strive to emulate.